A 3-month transformational journey for the high-achieving, big-hearted woman who's ready for healthy, long-term, stable love.

I see you beautiful woman...


Working hard and doing all you can to be the best version of yourself so you can reach your goals and feel fulfilled.

But something is missing.

There's a constant void in your heart that no matter what you do, you can't seem to shift, and whilst you feel happy and comfortable in your professional life, and have reached some pretty awesome achievements, all you really want now is to be loved and to share your life with someone who's on the same page as you.

I don't blame you darling - you DESERVE to feel truly loved and appreciated, without needing to be anything more than who you are to fit into anyone's expectations. 



Whilst you might've spent most of your 20s/30s focussing on your career, I spent a lot of it learning some deep, badass lessons around relationships, which led me to start this business and do the work that I do today.

So I want you to know that I REALLY DO see you and feel you because I know what it's like to just want that 1 thing which for some reason never seems to work out (whether you're single and dating or committed in a relationship).


I know the patterns well!


Attracting the same old type over and over again. You know, the one that's emotionally unavailable, and isn't ready to commit? Who says all the right things, makes you feel all giddy and excited, gives you false promises, and then ghosts you and/or comes up with some lame excuse - which then triggers the feeling of you not being good enough because you keep feeling this same rejection over and over, and 'perhaps it's actually YOU with the issue, not them.'




Meeting the really nice type that can probably give you everything you want - be there for you when you feel low, take you out for nice dinners, do the little things they know will put a smile on your face, give you words of encouragement - but that you in NO WAY feel attracted to! And then you question yourself as to whether you actually need to compromise and settle for less than what you want because everyone says that 'maybe, you're too fussy?!' But every time you even try to go there, you're like 'eeww, I can't! Why does this keep happening to me?'




Actually getting into a relationship with someone who you think is perfect initially. Things feel intense, exciting, and passionate and you're like 'woah, maybe this is the one?' And then as the 'honeymoon period' passes you come to see their true colours and realise that actually, they're also emotionally unavailable. What started with them putting so much effort in to make you feel loved and special, has ended up with YOU putting in all the effort to try and make it work! Instead, feeling undervalued, under-appreciated, not seen, not listened to, and so resentful because 'who the hell is this person, and how can they expect THIS to be a healthy, reciprocal relationship?'



"Now I completely love myself, literally my whole world has changed!"


~ Sarah Brady ~



Firstly, I want you to know that you're not the only one experiencing this. You are actually one of MAANNNYY women facing these issues, so please stop being so hard on yourself!

Secondly, I want you to know that there IS a way to resolve this and in no way is the story that you keep telling yourself - you know the one that says, 'maybe I'm just one of those women who's meant to end up alone?' - true!

In the 'what-felt-like-forever' time of me trying to find THE ONE, as well as seeing so many clients struggling with similar themes, I found the key to mastering this part of life.

The key to finding and sustaining long-term, stable, healthy love.





The relationship dynamic we have with ourselves sets the foundation for every other relationship we have in our lives. 

When we shift our internal beliefs, shift the relationship patterns and behaviors that we learned from our caregivers / parents / upbringing, and cultivate the type of SECURE LOVE that we long for WITHIN OURSELVES first, we completely transform our ability to not only attract but also sustain the secure love we desire.

My journey of working through my own 'stuff' and supporting clients in working through theirs, has led me to understand that this is THE foundational piece that not only supports us in attracting and sustaining healthier romantic relationships with people who are on the same page as us, but also impacts our relationship to things such as money, our health, our social life, and our work life. 

So I want you to know that if you're yearning for the type of love that has you grasping the bedsheets with euphoria and has you feeling so much gratitude for having to wait SO long for the right person..







  • You're a driven, professional woman with a big heart who is ready to find long-term, stable love with someone that's on the same page as you


  • You're ready to shift the fear of ending up alone, and feeling like you're running out of time to being anchored in trust that YOUR person, is also searching for you, and is on their way


  • You're ready to stop attracting the same emotionally unavailable partners that aren't ready to commit and instead start having conviction in what you need and want so that you can attract the emotionally mature, 'ready for love' person that you are so deserving of being with


  • You're ready to shift the feeling that you're not enough when you feel rejected and instead feel a deeper level of acceptance and love within yourself, knowing that being rejected is not a reflection of you


  • You're fed up of thinking about when and where you'll just meet the right person (which takes up so much of your thought space every day) and are ready to fuel your mind and body with inspiration, confidence, and self-belief


  • You're done with the back and forth of online dating, downloading the app, deleting the app, and feeling like 'what's the point?' And you're ready to find the fun, play, and pleasure of meeting like-minded people who are on the same wavelength as you


  • You're tired of feeling like love is the 1 thing that's missing in your life and you're ready to open your heart to receiving it in overflow



  • You're a driven, professional woman with a big heart who is ready to heal her heart and thrive in love


  • You feel undervalued, under-appreciated, and un-seen in your relationship, and you're ready to receive the appreciation, love, and presence that you know deep down you're worthy of


  •  You're tired of swinging from giving love and trying to make things work, to pulling away and feeling resentful because you're not receiving it back - and you're ready to give and receive in a way that's reciprocal, nourishing, and in gratitude


  • You're done with feeling misunderstood when communicating your needs and wants, and you're ready to feel listened to and cared for in both words, and actions


  • You're ready to shift the anger and anxiety that comes from not being met emotionally in the way that you'd like, into feeling secure, held, and supported in the lows as much as the highs


  • You're ready to let go of overthinking about how you look in the bedroom and instead feel sexier and more confident in your body so you can experience more intimacy and mind-blowing sex, with the lights on!



  • You're happy and content being single


  • You feel appreciated, loved, supported, and happy in your relationship


  • You're looking for a quick fix and aren't ready to shift the behaviors and patterns that are stopping you from being in a stable, healthy relationship


  • You're not in a position to invest time, energy, and finances into transforming your relationship with yourself so you can be open to receiving the secure love, intimacy, and connection you desire


"This has been one of the most life-changing things I've ever done."


~ Jessica Alice ~




The programme is delivered over 12 weeks with one 1-to-1 session held per week. This includes Telegram support throughout your journey and 4 weeks thereafter, to ensure you have everything you need moving forward.



Intention Setting

Getting super clear on your intention for the programme so we know exactly where you are, where you want to be, and what we need to work through to achieve your desired outcome.



Human Design Reading

A deep dive into your soul blueprint so you can start seeing yourself for who you truly are, and feel more confident in who you came here to be.

In this session, we will be looking at:

  • the areas in which you give and receive energy
  • the best way for you to make aligned decisions (most specifically in relation to love)
  • the way you're designed to communicate
  • how to process your emotions in a way that feels nourishing for you
  • your core wound in relation to love
  • how your energy impacts others
  • create a daily self-love practice that's aligned with YOUR unique design to support you in integrating into secure love

This session will be recorded so that you can revisit it at any time in the future. 



The Spiral Emotional Clearing Process

Working up through the chakras and levels of The Spiral. In these sessions we root clear the 22 core emotions within the scale of consciousness to:

  • unravel your conditioning
  • release limiting subconscious beliefs, and emotional blocks that are stopping you from manifesting and experiencing the stable, healthy love that you long for

(Details of The Spiral themes and what you can expect to experience through this process are noted further down this page)



Manifestation Clear 

This is where we:

  • re-evaluate your desired outcome
  • get clear on 1 specific goal that you're calling in
  • clear any emotions that are in the way of you having that
  • make sure you have specific next steps that will support you in making your desired outcome a reality



Integration Session 

This will support you in:

  • tying up any loose ends
  • making sure you're on track to achieving the secure, commitment you want



Closing Ritual

Making sure you have everything you need (including your next steps) to support you in moving forward with WAY more self-love, confidence, clarity, and openness.




  • be provided with integration tasks in order to embody the changes taking place during the 1-to-1 sessions 


  • have access to your own online Members Library where further content and resources are provided to assist you along your journey beyond


  • have access to me via Telegram throughout the 12 weeks, and for 4 weeks thereafter, should you require any support


All sessions are delivered online over Zoom.



Week commencing 11th July 2022



(WEEKS 3 TO 9)


~ Level 1: DESERVING ~


Releasing shame, guilt, and dogma, and increasing self-worth so you can feel more deserving of BEING who you are, and having the secure, stable relationship you want.


~ Level 2: CREATIVITY ~


Shifting fear, grief, and paralyzed will so you can let go of self-sabotage and procrastination, get the shit done that supports you in anchoring into self-love, and do what's required for you to either attract the right relationship or improve the one you already have. Be more accepting of your emotions by meeting yourself with compassion and grace, and start feeling more connected to your body so you can feel deserving of more pleasure.


~ Level 3: POWER ~


Letting go of your limting patterns around pride, anger, and desire, so you can actually OWN what you want and need from a relationship, know your boundaries around love, and actually start honouring them. Unleash your inner power and conviction, be more disciplined, and have the confidence to go after (and not settle for anything less than) what you want.


~ Level 4: OPENNESS ~


Releasing your conditioning, reason, acceptance, and love so you can have a more understanding, loving, and compassionate relationship with yourself AND, therefore, others. Be more in gratitude and acceptance for where you are and what you currently have so you can open your heart to receiving the love, appreciation, intimacy, and connection you desire.


~ Level 5: EXPRESSION ~


Letting go of your limitations around anxiety, confidence, and low-self esteem, so you can feel more confident in your body and in who you are, and feel more empowered in the way you express and communicate (whether through words, body language, or in the bedroom). This also includes having the conviction to say no when something doesn't feel right, asking for what you want and need, and responding to the communication of others (your partner or someone you're dating) with more understanding and compassion.


~ Level 6: VISION ~


Clearing the energetics around truth, trust and receptivity, so you can see the truth for what it really is (including your own) and get clear on your vision for your ideal relationship. Unlock your intuition so you can actually trust your gut, trust yourself and be ready to receive the commitment and stability that is your birthright.


~ Level 7: PURPOSE ~


Clearing your emotional anchors around peace, joy, enlightenment, and purpose, so you can actually find peace and joy in where you are right NOW, unlock higher levels of awareness that will support you in seeing the patterns and behaviours that are limiting you going forward, and connect more deeply to your purpose in life.


"I am me and I love me! Val has changed that. She has changed my life."


~ Lorna Whattam ~


This isn't just about sexual pleasure, but also includes self-love, emotional management, and connecting with your intuition, so you can:


  • Feel more deserving of experiencing the pleasures that are aligned with your desires, wants, and needs in your day-to-day life (rather than just dreaming about having them one day in the future) 


  • Connect more deeply to your body so you can be more open to receiving the joy, love, appreciation, play, and intimacy that you long for in a relationship 


  • Meet yourself with love and compassion regardless of what you're feeling so you're no longer making rejection and conflict mean anything about who you are


  • Trust in the wisdom of your body and know that your gut is always guiding you in the RIGHT direction

This is about unleashing your inner power by releasing self-sabotaging behaviours, comparing yourself to others, and shifting your internal narrative, so you can:


  • Get clear on what you want, need, and value (in and out of a relationship)


  • Get clear on your boundaries and ensure that you're honouring them when dating and relating


  • Embody your confidence, and authority so you can ask for what you want and need with more conviction


  • Feel more confident in the bedroom and/or when you're dating


  • Know that you do not need to settle for anything less than what you desire

The final pillar is about connecting to your desires for the future by releasing confusion, and what you think you 'should' be aiming for in your relationships, so you can:


  • Get super clear on the exact steps that are going to support you to THRIVE in love (whether you're dating or already in a relationship)


  • Trust in your higher purpose by using the relationship challenges that you've faced as wisdom for what you need going forward


  • Create more space and freedom which supports you in attracting and having more fulfilling, and nourishing relationships that feel purposeful


  • Ensure that your desired relationship fits in with your personal/work life and future goals



Installment options are available and can be discussed over a free clarity call.

Due to the level of transformation of this programme, it is important that we jump on a call first to ensure this is a good fit.

If now isn't the right time, but you feel you'd like to receive this support in the future, click HERE to be added to the waitlist.






"Before I met Val, I felt that I didn’t belong.

It didn’t matter how much love and support my friends, family, and co-workers gave me, I always felt I was alone. Walking around in a thick fog without any light to guide me. It was soul-destroying but something I came to live with. I always painted a picture of a happy-go-lucky woman who was resilient, strong, and dependable. Deep down I was drowning in a sea of deception. Deceiving myself.

The first meeting with Val was relaxed, I was at ease, speaking to a friend that I’d known for years, not a total stranger. As our relationship and the course evolved, I felt Val understood me. She could see through the fog, see the real me, and shine a light for me to start to see myself.

It was instantaneous! The shift was real. It’s hard to explain, honestly! You just couldn’t write it.

Every week I got stronger, I started to understand who I was, my thoughts, perceptions, childhood learnings, how I became who I was and how I could become who I wanted to be.

My key moment was when Val said, "in life, there is no failure, just feedback." 

In the last few months, I’ve flipped my world upside down.

Work isn’t everything anymore, it doesn’t define me. Pressure from society or beliefs bestowed on me from others does not dictate who I am. I can actually look in the mirror and be proud of the person looking back at me, I no longer hate my body, I am grateful for it. I am a strong but vulnerable person who is true to myself. I don’t hide behind smiles and laughter, I now actually feel the smile of my lips and laughter in my belly.

I am me and I love me!

Val has changed that. She has changed my life."



“I decided to take the plunge and join Val on the Spiral, it was the best decision I have ever made! Her guidance and support were amazing.

Before the Spiral, I was angry, full of a big ego, and reactive AF.  I felt like I was stuck in a personal traumatic bond which I never thought I'd get out of; it was so painful and I lost myself; always blaming others with my pain.

I felt it working straight away from Level 1 - Val guided me through everything with such belief, love, and passion.

Level by Level, I was changing for the best; learning to love myself more, accepting what had happened to me, and loving my inner child.

I feel as light as a kite and FULL of love and the 'whatever will be, will be' attitude. For me, that feeling is like winning the lottery!

Now my full attention is on learning to love myself and smashing my new business! My boundaries are now better than ever.

Thank you Val, you changed my life. Love you.



"I would sum the spiral up in one word - MAGIC!!

The biggest part of this magic is that the course is facilitated by such a magical being that is Valeria.

I really can't begin to explain the life changes that have taken place and I imagine will continue to take place over the next few months.

I have handed my notice in at my job to pursue a completely different career. A Sister in a busy accident and emergency department to a full-time yoga teacher and yes this is huge but I feel the biggest transformation that has taken place for me is the amount of love I now have for myself that I have never had before and this is something that I don't think I will ever be able to thank Valeria enough for because at times in my life the way I viewed myself consumed me and now I completely love myself literally my whole world has changed.

Valeria has supported me through no end and the way she delivers the course with one of the purest of hearts I have ever come across, is what makes this course so special, Valeria is definitely the reason that it is MAGIC!!

I grew stronger and transformed my life to bring me back into the light where I now feel like a fierce powerful warrior goddess who is going to make her mark on the world!!!

Let the MAGIC begin x"



“Over the last 8 weeks, I have definitely changed internally.

My way of thinking 8 weeks ago was very negative and I was stuck in a rut. Before The Spiral I felt very lost and always questioned what the hell am I doing with my life, so I took the plunge and signed up to this course.

Throughout the weeks ofTthe Spiral, I have learned so much about myself and how my feelings and brain works. I have understood why I feel certain emotions and where they have stemmed from which is such a big release as I now understand a lot of present emotions stem from childhood.

In the last couple of weeks and after finishing The Spiral (it has only been a week) I have noticed I am SO much more outspoken with how I feel about things because I CAN and I am ALLOWED to be like that.

That is a huge change for me as I was such a little mouse who was scared to speak my truth. This will only progress, I know it will!

I also now have integrated into my head that using the words should and shouldn’t isn’t a thing I do anymore and as soon as I hear those words or go to speak those words I reavulate how I’m feeling or what I’m about to say.

I am living life the way I wish to! I know the magic has only just begun for me, I feel it in the air every day!

I’m so grateful for Val and her work!



The Spiral was so enjoyable and I couldn’t wait from one week to the next because constant changes were happening in my life - deep insights, magical miracles, and my intuition was growing stronger.

People and circumstances that weren’t serving me or aligned with my path just dropped away.

I had been working with Val for over a year and the work she does is so powerful and inspiring.

As a person Valeria is understanding, compassionate, and a natural with the healing and empowering work she offers. It’s like having guidance and support from an extremely wise and loving friend.

Just 1 month into the Spiral and I had quit my job and landed my self my dream job! I have strong boundaries, I am confident in who I am and what I want for my self, I have more money and have the most savings in my bank than I’ve ever seen, and I have this powerful, comforting, inner trust that my life is going to be so beautiful and exactly how I want it to be.

I’ll always recommend Val’s work and the Spiral. It works, it’s life-changing!

If you are to put your all into one thing and invest in yourself, do The Spiral with Valeria."