An 8-week sacred immersion that will shift you from feeling like a disempowered, anxious, stuck, and frazzled mess, into a vibrant, unapologetic woman who is connected to her sensual power, her authentic truth, and her innate desires.



You're here because something inside you is yearning for more.

 You're tired of settling for less than what you deserve, tired of wondering 'is this all there is?' And, tired of the niggling anxiety that keeps you stuck in a loop of 'not enough-ness.'

And look, I want you to know you're not the only one my love.

In fact, there are thousands of women feeling the same, and the reason I created this programme was to support incredible women like YOU, to:

  • ditch the guilt, shame, and people pleasing, and shift into a Queen who sets boundaries, loves, values and honours herself, and isn't afraid to say NO!
  • own your confidence, so you can express yourself unapologetically, stand up for what you believe in, and walk into a room full of people feeling like a total Goddess
  • Say goodbye to feeling stuck, anxious and confused, and say hello to getting clear on what you want, whilst feeling worthy enough to claim it


EEK! I'm excited to show you what this magical programme is all about.


The question is...



"Where do I even begin?!?! RISE has been an absolute awakening for me and my spiritual/personal development journey...
I've already spoken about it so much to my family and friends and had people message me on social media because they can just see and FEEL the difference in me!  And I'll carry on shouting about it from the rooftops till I'm blue in the face EVERYONE needs a RISE sisterhood!"



Participant of RISE 3.0  


"RISE has made me a more compassionate person towards myself and not to be so hard on myself when I’m having a bad day, I let myself feel what it is I am feeling and allow my body to heal.
My favourite part about the course was the amazing guided meditations and tapping sessions to release the emotions we had been working on during the week. Thank you so much for this wonderful course." 



Participant of RISE 3.0  





You're a pro self-doubter.

You wonder if you'll ever just be able to walk into a room full of people with your head held high, without the niggling anxiety; wearing what you want, expressing yourself how you want, all whilst feeling unapologetically powerful and confident in your own skin.

You yearn for more harmonious relationships that are based on understanding, and open and honest communication; but you struggle to ask for what you deeply need and want out of fear of being too vulnerable, rejected, and hurt.

You deeply desire to just feel seen, heard and understood.

Your fear of other people's judgments means that you're forever dimming your shine, whilst trying to please everyone around you, which then causes you to surpass your own boundaries and feel resentful, wondering when your needs will be put first.

Being there for everyone else means your neglecting yourself, and you feel depleted and exhausted from always trying to BE this person that everyone else wants you to be, whilst doing things you don't actually want to do.

You've learned that being a 'good girl' is the only way to be truly respected in the world and you just wish that you could feel free, and be accepted for being the wild, messy, and unpredictable woman that you are at your core - which causes you to sway from feeling too much or not enough.

You desire to be better and you know deep down you're always trying your best but you find yourself making new promises to yourself that you struggle to keep which then causes you to feel like a failure, and at times, just want to give up entirely.

You find yourself dreaming about a better future, filled with more love, joy, connection, and purpose, but you feel a lack of control over your emotions, which tell you you're not good enough, and that niggling fear that always seems to be lingering in the background, can keep you mindlessly strolling through life, hoping that 'one day,' something will change.

Everyone else seems to have it all together, but you often struggle to make a decision without doubting yourself, feeling the need to ask others for their validation on what's right or wrong for you.

What you deeply, deeply want is to just feel like a powerful, badass, Goddess that feels certain in herself and certain in where she's going - feeling fucking hot in your body, loving and accepting yourself fiercely as you are, and going after what YOU deeply want, with conviction and magnetism.

You're ready to let go of living the life that you've been taught you should be living, so you can actually live a life that's more authentically purposeful to you - filled with more magic, alignment, meaningful connections, joy, passion, and love.


And so you've read up until here, my darling, and you're probably wondering 'IS THIS IT?'

'Is this the thing that's really going to shift the way I feel about myself and change my life for the better?'


 I'll leave that for you and your intuition to decide ;) - but if this feels resonant with you, I invite you to keep reading so that you can feel into whether it's right.

"Before RISE I wasn’t really tuned in to what I wanted from my life or what my purpose should be. I’d spent years people pleasing and living my life for others, I knew I wanted to change but I didn’t really know what, never mind how, and I felt stuck and uneasy.
Now I’ve learned to trust myself and listen to my instincts, I fully believe that whatever I decide to do I will achieve, and I’m slowly figuring out what I want from my life and how to get it. And now I’m fully living each moment authentically for me and from my heart." 



Participant of RISE 3.0  



So you've scrolled up to here, which is a sign that you're ready to learn more and see if this really is for you.

So let me help ya out, babe.


Just take a moment to answer a simple YES or NO, to the following questions: 


  • Do you want to be able to express yourself more unapologetically without fear of other people's judgments?
  • Do you wish the overthinking bully in your head was more of an empowering cheerleader that supported you in believing in yourself?
  • Do you desire to have the ability to connect to your intuition so that your decision-making becomes more easeful and trusting?
  • Do you want to start setting and upholding boundaries that allow you to honour your needs and fill your cup up first?
  • Do you wish you could communicate what you want and need from a place of more conviction and confidence?
  • Do you want to start keeping those promises that you make for yourself; that you know will support your wellbeing and in claiming your desires?
  • Do you yearn for more clarity in where you're headed so you can take aligned action towards claiming your dreams?
  • Do you want to have more control over your emotions and start loving yourself so fiercely that no matter how you feel, or what's going on externally, you are more deeply in your centre, with an underlying belief that you are good enough and worthy?
  • Do you wish that your relationships could be more harmonious, understanding, compassionate, loving, and peaceful?
  • Do you want to start feeling more deserving and worthy so as to become a magnet for your desires - attracting what you want with more joy, passion and ease?
  • Are you ready to connect more deeply to your body in a way that feels nourishing, wholesome, and accepting?
  • Are you ready to live a more purposeful life that feels more in alignment with your true authentic self?


If your answer to any of the above is a big 'UH HUH, that's me', then this programme might well be for you.

"I used to neglect my needs, wants, and desires and put everyone else's before mine because I was worried I'd let people down. I was letting myself down!
I would wear boring clothes that made me feel covered up and safe. I now wear whatever I want to wear! I own skirts, dresses, and shorts and have enjoyed exploring my newfound confidence.
I also used to shy away from conversations because I doubted my own intelligence, and would dull down my vibrant personality because I didn't want to be seen or heard. Now I'm confident enough to engage in conversation with anyone and everyone, and I share my uniqueness with the world - I feel so content with myself"


~ Nikita Hayley ~

Participant of RISE 1.0, 2.0 & 3.0 






All online - when you sign up you'll receive access to your very own Members Library. Within your Members Library, you'll find all of the course content, which includes a shit ton of potent journal prompts, meditations, deep visualizations, BONUS tasks, masterclass, and emotional clearing sessions.

You can also download the Kajabi app on your phone or device for easy login and access on the go. If you're ALL IN, then you'll be using this platform A LOT, so it's highly recommended.



Included is 8-weeks worth of content, which you have LIFETIME access to, meaning you can do the programme as many times as you wish (highly recommended as each time you will uncover more layers so that you can RISE into your next level).



It's completely self-navigating which means you can take it at your own pace.




Designed to give you ALL you need to know to prepare you for your official RISE journey.

WEEKS 1 - 8:

The official RISE journey, which goes through the themes of the chakras, from the root, all the way up to the crown. Each week includes 5 days worth of tasks for you to complete (1 small task per day) including journal prompts, meditations, deep visualizations, BONUS tasks, weekly emotional clearing/EFT sessions, and 3 potent masterclasses. 



Weekly butt-kicking content (actually 52 days worth!) in alignment with the themes of the chakra system, including:

  • A shit ton of journal prompts that have been specifically designed to unravel your subconscious limiting beliefs, re-claim your worth, and re-create a loving relationship to yourself, whilst also gaining clarity on who you're becoming, where you're going and the exact action steps that will get you manifesting what you desire.
  • 3 Magical masterclasses that are filled with some incredible tools and wisdom, to support you in your journey to rising. These include: 

Emotional Mastery 101:

Teaching you the science behind your emotions, how emotional suppression/repression has an impact on how you view the world and your capacity to achieve your goals, and a step-by-step guide on how to become a master of your emotions, releasing them with more love and ease, rather than letting them control you or mean anything about who you are.

The Power Of The Mind:

If you want to learn how to shift your overthinking, self-doubting, negative Nancy narrative into a narrative that supports your wildest dreams so you can become your biggest ever cheerleader, then this masterclass will do exactly that!

Intuitive Magic:

We're taught to make decisions from our minds, however the mind is actually the least reliable tool in making decisions because it's filled with all of the conditioning we've picked up along the way. THIS masterclass not only shows you YOUR unique intuitive authority based on your Human Design Blueprint, (which is the only real reliable source of making decisions that fuel your desires and leads you to unexpected limitless opportunities), it will also teach you what blocks you from tapping into your intuition and how you can shift the unnecessary blocks to make sure you're in alignment and following the thread of your soul.


  • Meditations and deep visualisations that will re-frame your subconscious beliefs, open up your perception and shift your state
  • ​Weekly potent AF emotional clearing and EFT tapping videos
  • X4 Powerful Bonus tasks
  • Supportive Resources to support you through your journey and beyond
  • The chance to become an affiliate and raise your financial abundance game by receiving commission when others sign up upon your referral



  • A laptop or device to access your Members Library which is where all course content can be found
  • A journal and pen
  • Preferably some headphones for masterclasses, emotional clearing/eft sessions, meditations, and deep visualisations
  • An open mind
  • Self-responsibility and commitment to YOURSELF















"The Universe wants you to know that there is MORE than enough to go around, and YOU, my darling, are so fucking deserving of everything you deeply desire and SO much more.


LOVE and ABUNDANCE are patiently waiting for you to open the door - and the time to swing it open is NOW!"




This programme has been designed for you to journey individually in your own time.

All done online, the content and tasks provided mirror those within the LIVE group programme with the removal of the emotional clearing sessions and feedback.

If you're a busy Mum, businesswoman, workaholic, or perhaps you just prefer to journey through doing this type of work on your own, then this programme is for you!

With no specific time-scale, you can purchase the programme right NOW and get access to all of the content once the purchase has gone through.

The outcome is the same and the magick, no different - SO much can shift in choosing the solo path of doing this work.



  • 8-weeks of butt-kicking tasks (40 to be exact!)  in accordance with the chakra theme of each week, which include journal prompts, meditations, deep visualisations and integration tasks.



The programme is navigated through logging into your own Member Library (created at the point of checkout) which can be accessed via a laptop, tablet or mobile device, as soon as your purchase has been made. 

It is recommended that this programme is navigated on a similar basis to the LIVE programme. Doing 1 task per day with integration tasks on the week whilst journeying through the chakra themes week by week will ensure consistent results. However, if that's impossible for you to do, then journeying through each task in your own time is more than OK too.

After all, the whole point of purchasing the self-navigating programme is so that you can do it when suits YOU, and as long as you're fully committed to the journey, regardless of what timescale you choose to do it in, you will still get epic results.


What do I need?

  • A mobile device, tablet or PC.
  • The Kajabi APP (preferable if working from your mobile or iPad)
  • A journal and a pen
  • Preferably some headphones
  • Commitment to YOURSELF









Release your beliefs around not belonging, not being good enough and feeling scatty and up in the air, so that you can feel strong, safe and secure in your body, and grounded and connected to the magic of Mother Earth. Start feeling and believing that you're worthy of achieving more than what your current perspective can attain so you can go after the goals that support your physical body, and increase your capacity for receiving and holding more wealth.

Let go of procrastination and self-sabotage so that you can face your fears, take action, and start keeping the promises you make to yourself. Unleash your inner sexy and manifestation babe, by connecting to your sexuality and body in magical ways; connect to your unique creativity and move through your emotions with more ease so that you're no longer controlled by them, but are masterful with them.

Shift your low self-esteem, lack of will-power and poor boundaries by embodying and fully claiming your unique individuality, and badass boss babe, so that you can connect to your inner power, move forward with the confidence that you yearn for, start saying no to the things that don't light you up with conviction, and start saying HELL YES to going after your desires, with more focus, power, and certainty.

Release blocks around giving and receiving love, so that you can have more compassion towards yourself, and love yourself in ways you are yet to discover. Release the fear of rejection, and the hurts of the past, so you can move forward with having more harmonious, loving relationships, filled with more understanding. Shift your all-over-the-place, lack of organisation, by creating systems that support you in having more freedom and space for you, and your loved ones.

Let go of your blocks around communication and self-expression, release the anxiety around letting yourself be fully seen and heard, and let go of the comparison to others, so that you can show up boldly in your authenticity, feel confident in your expression, stand up for what you believe in with certainty, and ask for what you want and need with conviction.

Say goodbye to doubting your decisions, fearing your own vulnerability, and feeling confused about where you're going, so that you can connect to your intuition more powerfully, get clarity on your desires and future dreams, and take forward action with more confidence and trust in yourself.

Shift your feeling of disconnection and lack of trust, by releasing the conditioning that's blocking you from connecting to a force way beyond your comprehension. Drop into being held and supported by the Universe, connected to your higher self, and in full trust that everything is panning out perfectly and in divine timing.

Designed to support your mind and body in integrating all of the powerful work you've undertaken, so that you can let go of the version of you that was holding you back prior to the programme, and move forward with a more profound sense of authenticity, self-worth, power, clarity and purpose.

"I feel more powerful, I've realised the value of stillness, self love, intuition and what really lights me up. It's given me more confidence to express this too. I would recommend this programme to anyone that wants to connect to their true inner power.


I feel like I've evolved and learnt a lot about myself and I got to share this space, be completely open and supported by Val and a group of amazing girls. I can't wait to see how life continues from here. Thank you so much." 



Participant of RISE 3.0  















Pay in full BONUS:

Get a free 1-to-1 Manifestation Magic, emotional clearing session with me, to get into alignment with, and become a magnet for a longing desire that you've perhaps been trying to manifest but have struggled to acquire, or that you're just ready to fully claim!







"The Rise programme is just amazing. Each day I have uncovered more things about myself, got to know myself on a deeper, soul level, and learnt to love and accept myself more than I ever thought possible. The love in the group and between all of us is incredible, and has allowed me to open up to people in a completely safe and supportive space, with no judgement, just compassion & kindness. I can’t thank Val enough for creating this space for us, working her magic on us, and giving us the gift of her amazing guided meditations. I’m not sure I could quite pick my favourite part, the meditations, the love from the other girls, the weekly crystal & oil videos from Grace, the whole thing has just been insane. I could not recommend this course more, for anyone wanting to get to know the real them, wanting to step into their own power, wanting to be able to stand up for themselves and to be able to be true & authentic. Thank you xxxx"



Where do I start when it comes to the RISE course. This course has taught me that I don’t need to worry about what other people think or say about me, this used to control what I would say and do and I don’t feel controlled by this feeling of needing approval from others. I have grown to speak the truth and if someone disagrees and has a different belief system that’s ok. RISE has made me a more compassionate person towards myself and not to be so hard on myself when I’m having a bad day, I let myself feel what it is I am feeling and allow my body to heal. I have loved how supportive the girls in the group have been towards each other and because you are talking about personal subjects it really makes you feel so relaxed knowing it is such a safe zone to express yourself truly. I have recommended this course to others and will keep recommending to everyone if they are wanting to improve their life and help heal their wounded inner child. My favourite part about the course was the amazing guided meditations and tapping sessions to release the emotions we had been working on during the week. Thank you so much for this wonderful course."



"I have loved everything about this RISE programme, I'd recommend it to anyone. I've learnt so much about myself and felt myself grow throughout the process. I felt vulnerable and scared to open up in those first sessions but quickly found comfort in the beautiful girls I shared the experience with. Its a truly amazing feeling to be held in a container by Val with girls you share a common ground with. RISE has transformed me because I no longer worry about sharing my truth, I am who I'm supposed to be and exactly where I am supposed to be in life. I've regained trust within myself. I also love myself more than I ever have, I let myself feel whatever I need to feel without too much judgement and keep bringing myself back to love. I first started this course having a natural dislike towards other people, along this journey I've learnt to connect to people more and understand others behaviours. I have a lot more in common with people than I thought. All of my beliefs from a wounded inner child has slowly started to release. I've learnt to forgive myself. I've learnt to connect more to the this beautiful world and mother nature. This course has brought out a major creative side in me and given me a huge boost of motivation for how I want to live my life. I could never thank Val enough, her energy is so warm and powerful. The tapping therapy is one of my favourite parts, connecting into the body and physically feeling shifts was something I hadn't experienced before and wow, I needed to. Val also gives her own experience which really helps to open up. She's truly inspiring and I'm so thankful for the course and the wonderful girls I've had the pleasure of virtually meeting."



"Where do I even begin?!?! RISE has been an absolute awakening for me and my spiritual/personal development journey... I've already spoken about it so much to my family and friends and had people message me on social media because they can just see and FEEL the difference in me!  And I'll carry on shouting about it from the rooftops till I'm blue in the face EVERYONE needs a RISE sisterhood! At first I was terrified of sharing and opening up about the darkest parts of myself incase it was anything too personal in fear of being judged but you all have been so loving & kind. I honestly feel like I've known you all for so long or even in another life?? We haven't even met yet, and I just feel so loved by this community. I can't wait to squeeze you all! Valeria, you have created such a safe, nurturing space for each of us to grow and I know we are all truly grateful for this experience! I will honestly treasure you all forever. Over the past 8 weeks I have learnt so much about myself I don't even know where to start!! I have stepped out of my comfort zone massively!! I've begun the journey to truly start loving my authentic self and have put things into ACTION in order to heal - without second guessing myself or feeling guilty! Val you have really taught me that it is okay to not be okay, but to actually FEEL these things - and to not be so damn hard on myself!! I've been learning to trust the process & all that I desire starts with ME stepping outside of my limiting beliefs and fear! I've had many eye-opening moments & I'm excited to start stepping into my calling. This course has shifted my perception and approach to life which has really helped my intimate relationships (and the intimate relationship with myself) - I think I've even manifested certain situations/conversations which as in turn helped me to set boundaries & start receiving the love I deserve. I can feel the change within me (AND I'M SO EXCITED TO KEEP GROWING!!!), I'm kinder to myself and others and it has really helped me to LOVE. I've learnt to really own my own shit and it is how I perceive something - people can't make me feel anything, I need to take responsibility for how I feel! I think I've really dug deep, and have found it so fascinating and MIND-BLOWING that our past experiences really do shape our beliefs, but just by being aware you can take the steps to CHANGE your mindset. Maybe TMI but I have loveeeeeeed learning how to give myself love and exploring myself physically as well as emotionally. You may be pleased to know I've started loving myself in ways that have just UPPED THE GAME. I have truly loved all of this course!! But some of my favourites were exploring our inner child with meditations & the emotional clearing work (I also love tapping now!!). I can't wait to start the next RISE!! Love, love, love youuuu."



"This programme is insane; it has taught me SO much! I have learnt how important self-love is and how many ways you can do it. I have learnt to own my shit and forgive myself. I no longer care what other people/society expect me to do, I will do whatever feels right for me. I have learnt that only you can control the way you feel and no one can ‘make’ you feel a certain way. I have learnt that we have been lead to believe certain things our whole life but it might not be what we actually believe deep down. This course has helped to get to the deeper values and beliefs that truly resonate with me and the way I want to live my life. I have also learnt that self-pleasure is nothing to be ashamed of and is key in loving yourself. I have just learnt SO much. I loved how open and honest we could be with eachother without the fear of judgement. I love the guidance and support from Val, every step of the way. I loved how many emotions came up for me throughout the course from things I didn’t even know affected me. I was so nervous about signing up as I had never done anything like it before I didn’t know what to expect. Knowing what I know now, I am so thankful that I jumped out of my comfort zone and I have met (virtually!) some amazing and inspirational women and I couldn’t be more thankful to all of them and of course Val. My favourite part was probably how open and honest we could be altogether and feeling so connected to all of the RISE girls as we shared and appreciated our experiences."



"This course has changed my life! Before I started the Rise course I had trouble communicating what I truly want to say, was overwhelmed by day to day life and had now boundaries. I had no love for myself or confidence in my abilities. Over the last 8 weeks I have been so proud of myself for showing everyday. For allowing myself to be vulnerable, to open myself up and share within a beautiful community of supportive, like minded women and to discover that we all have similar negative thoughts and self doubt. It was inspiring watching these ladies open up and share and watch them grow and step into their worth. Val will forever be special to me. She so lovingly held the space for us all, listened attentively, provoked thoughts and let us know we are loved. I have learnt so much about myself from my time with Rise and learnt how to sit with uncomfortable feelings. We have been given several different tools on how to connect and release energy no longer needed. One of my favourite things was listening to guided meditations. I am finishing the course with friends for life, belief in myself and a vision of the future me I will become. Words can’t truly describe how amazing this course is. Thank you Val from the bottom of my heart. And thank you ladies. I love you all. I know our paths will cross again xxxx"




"Well what can I say.... I spoke to Valeria on the phone and I felt so at ease and probably said more than I should about how I was feeling. Valeria told me about Rise and explained she only accepts people on the course of whom she feels drawn to and who she knows will benefit from the course. I am not going to lie, it has taken massive amounts of dedication but this course has been my saving grace over lockdown, being able to be myself, not having to say yes to everything even if I do not wish to do so, being able to be open and honest about my feelings, not being judged and above all meeting the most amazing ladies who I can actually call friends and I have never even met you in person. I am not going to tell you about the course but if you want to find yourself, be the real you, love your real self and have the balls to say NO for once then this is the course for you! Valeria is so dedicated and passionate about what she does and she will kick your arse it you are not putting your all in to get the best out, but that is exactly what you need sometimes. I am really looking forward to my clearing session so can't comment on that but if its anything like the meditation I feel relaxed just writing about it. This woman has the most amazing voice... I actually think her voice is enough to say she is my girl crush! Don't just take it from me, join the next course and find out for yourself and start your amazing new journey of stripping back the real you! you will not be disappointed... I have literally stepped into a new phase in my life, I have joined 2 fantastic fitness classes, I have enrolled with a personal trainer and have started to play piano again. I have never done things for me and this photo was taken 2 weeks ago and look at my real smile! No filter required."



"I felt so drawn to the Rise programme and Valeria’s magic, so I trusted my gut and signed up. I realised quickly that I didn’t need to be scared at all, doing the thing I was scared to do turned out to be so amazing and magical. Before Rise I felt I had lost some of my power, I felt blocked emotionally and needed some healing, I needed to clear some shit, and I needed some guidance on how to do this. Journeying through the chakras has helped me to understand why I had been feeling the way I had, what caused it, what had been holding me back, and I’ve gained awareness of what to do next, how to step into my power and connect with my intuition, which ultimately always knows what to do. I’ve connected with my inner child, I’ve reclaimed my feminine power, I’ve cleared feelings of shame and guilt and worked through past traumas, I’ve dropped self-limiting beliefs and remembered that I’m deserving and worthy of everything I want. I’ve loved my morning ritual of dropping in and connecting with myself whilst working on the tasks which have been so interesting and insightful, I’ve had so many breakthroughs around boundaries and my connections with other people, reclaiming my shadow, gaining self- confidence and releasing fear. I’ve been able to envision my future self and what I really want out of life. I have loved sharing with the other special souls in the group, receiving guidance and feedback from Valeria, the beautiful meditations, the journaling tasks and the emotional clearing sessions. It’s been challenging at times but so much fun! and so rewarding. I’ve loved it all and I would recommend the programme to anyone who is seeking healing but they don’t know where to start. Valeria’s programme will give you the guidance you need and will set you up on a path towards what you really want out of life and who you really want to be, and how to achieve it all! Magick!"



"Rise has been amazing. For me, it really has been 8 weeks of magic. I didn't know what to expect before I did this programme, but it far exceeded my expectations in every way. I'd not long finished being taken through the Spiral, but I felt the call to do this after, and I'm so glad that I followed my gut and went for it. Delving deep, looking at emotions, behaviours, subconscious beliefs..it challenges you to look at these in a way that allows for growth, acceptance, a greater sense self worth, self expression, finding your magic, your purpose and inner power. There have been so many realisations along the way, some of which have been complete game changers. I feel more powerful, I've realised the value of stillness, self love, intuition and what really lights me up. It's given me more confidence to express this too. I would recommend this programme to anyone that wants to connect to their true inner power. I feel like I've evolved and learnt a lot about myself and I got to share this space, be completely open and supported by Val and a group of amazing girls. I can't wait to see how life continues from here. Thank you so much."