January 2022 Energy

2022 astrology astrology january 2022 dreaming energy 2022 energy update january 2022 energy january energy manifestation manifesting 2022 new year reflection Jan 10, 2022

Hey beauties,

Happy New Year!! And Welcome to my first ever blog post since I shifted my business around which seems like aaaagggess ago!

One of my intentions for this year is to write more because every time I tap into my future self, there she is, writing books upon books of inspiring content that shifts paradigms; so rather than waiting around for the perfect moment to become a writer, I've decided I already am, and that future version of myself gets to be me right now!

I LOVE writing. I do it pretty much daily and have already written thousands of words just this year alone journaling, reflecting, and planning.

I LOVE creating. 

And I LOVE sharing my truth and using that to teach, inspire and empower others.

So here I am, doing what I love, and inspiring you to do the same.

So often we think we're not ready for something, or that we'll be, do or have something when.... *insert self-sabotaging excuse here,* but in reality, there is nothing that we cannot tap into in the present moment.

We get to decide to have what we want right now, at this very moment!

The limitations that hold us back are just beliefs in our own minds that we've picked up from others, societal and cultural norms, and all the information that we consume day in and day out.

So let's start this year by letting go of the limitations that keep us small, and anchoring in the belief that we get to BE the person that already has all of the things we want, right now.

Which leads me on to talk about this magical month of January, where I'll be sharing what's happening on an energetic level, how this may be affecting you, and how to use this energy to prepare you for a year of magic and manifestation.

Are you ready? ;)

Ok, so it's a brand-new year. For many of us, a brand-new start, because it's the time where we tend to set new goals and achievements for ourselves so we can have a better and more expansive year than the one before.

But I want you to hold off for a sec my love because whilst it's January and you're probably feeling the pressure to just get going and do all the things, the first few weeks are really about reflecting and getting clear on what it is that we really want.

Before I go on to speak about the astrological transits that are occurring this month, I want you to know that I am in no way, shape, or form, an astrologer! However, if you've been a part of my sphere for a while, you'll know I'm a little obsessed with astrology, human design, and the gene keys, and how the energy of these systems has an impact on what's going on collectively and individually. I'm constantly learning and deepening my knowledge around these systems, and I use them myself and for my clients on a daily basis.

If you haven't got a copy of your natal chart, then I recommend you do, before going on. You can either grab yours from or my favourite (and recommended) - if you're using the Astro website, make sure to change the settings to whole signs rather than the Placidus version. Chani's website does this automatically.

So, lets' start with the juice - which is that we have a gorgeous transit of Jupiter in Pisces which began December 28th, 2021, and will continue there until May 11th, 2022 when it moves into Aries.

This is a lovely transit because Jupiter, the planet of abundance, opportunity, blessings, and expansion, is in its watery home sign of Pisces which is known for the themes of emotion, the division between fantasy and reality, compassion, and empathy. What this means, is that it's a time for expanded consciousness, creativity, and using our imagination to dream about all of the things that we desire and want.

In what area is this having an impact on you?

Have a look at which house number Pisces is for you in your natal chart to see in what area of your life this transit is activating for you. There are 12 houses in your natal chart and every house relates to different themes which are outlined as follows:

  1. - beginnings, self, appearance, identity, life force, how you present yourself to the world
  2. - the material world, self-worth, assets, financial stability & security, money, resources
  3. - communication, media, tech, daily habits, siblings, neighbors, community
  4. - home, foundations, family, roots, security, parents
  5. - creativity, sex, children, birth (whether physical or the birth of a new project/endeavor), self-expression
  6. - work, service, health, daily routines, upkeep
  7. - committed relationships, business & personal partnerships, contracts, committed exchanges
  8. - death/rebirth, mental health, sex, other people's money/resources/energy, debt, tax & exploring the depths of self & others
  9. - expansive thinking & growth, travel education, publishing, philosophy, religion, belief systems, teaching, wisdom, intuition, big picture 
  10. - publicity, visibility, career, world stage, being seen, status, leadership
  11. - large groups, community, friendships, networks, future vision, hopes & dreams, good fortune, unexpected opportunities
  12. - loss, endings, hidden life, subconscious, surrender

So for me, Pisces is in my 9th house, which given I'm starting a blog and have declared the intention to start writing more and provide more value to my community... well, this says it all ;)

So it's a time to think expansively, to dream, reflect, and imagine what is possible for you.

However, it's not a time to quite go all in, do all the things, and start all new projects, because Venus is currently retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th and Mercury is going retrograde this Friday 14th January until February 3rd; plus, we have a full moon in Cancer on Monday, January 17th.

What does this all mean though?

I know, I know, it can get a little overwhelming.

So, a retrograde is when a planet appears to travel backwards across the sky and these are normally the periods that feel a bit sticky, confusing and frustrating in relation to the themes of the planet and the themes of the sign that it’s transiting.

Basically, they cause us to reflect, review and learn some much needed lessons in order for us to evolve.

Every planet goes retrograde at some point and some last longer than others. Mercury for example, tends to retrograde 3/4 times a year for a few weeks and is well known for its retrograde because of the way it affects communication, technology and travel.

Venus, on the other hand, retrogrades once every 18 months.

With Mercury being the planet of communication, tech, transport, emails, information, starting it’s retrograde in Aquarius (the air sign of rebellion, freedom, idealism, modernization, democracy and tech), and then ending in Capricorn (the earth sign of disciplined action, practicality, pragmatism, determination and persistence)…

And Venus, being the planet of beauty, love, values, and pleasure, retrograding in Capricorn (again, the earth sign of disciplined action, practicality, pragmatism, determination, and persistence)…

It is a time to reflect, review, revisit and reassess!

Not a time to jump straight into all the new things that you’re dreaming of right away. So if you’re feeling the pressure to just get started, but you’re kinda feeling like you’re still unsure, a little disorientated, and confused, know that this is perfect. There's so much magic to be found in the confusion. It's the place in which we contemplate and search for answers, which then leads to epiphanies and clarity, yay!

The full moon in Cancer on Monday 17th January will provide us with the true ending to 2021, (full moons are endings and new moons are beginnings) and may bring up some residual stuff around last year for us to let go of.

With Cancer being a water sign ruling themes of emotions, feelings, sensitivity, nurture, security offering and seeking and compassion, if you’re feeling a little emotional or a lot emotional around the full moon, know that it’s totally normal and OK; so please let yourself grieve, feel, and honour what’s coming up for you to let go of.

So in short for January, let yourself continue to dream, reflect, review, plan and set some awesome, expansive intentions for 2022, ready for when Venus goes direct on 29th January, Mercury goes direct on 3rd February, and the New Moon in Aquarius on 3rd February.

Now that doesn’t mean you can’t be proactive darlings.

I mean, I’m here saying don’t start anything new and I’m starting a new blog – follow your intuition ALWAYS, but there’s no need to rush into the next thing just because it’s a new year.

To help you reflect, dream and plan, here are some powerful journaling prompts that you can use to get clear on what you’re letting go of, and what you’re calling in for this year.

This task is totally and completely priceless and will give you so much insight and clarity that you may even shed a tear of gratitude! It’s also just a really fucking epic way to let go of some shit and get focussed on what you truly want to create! (Without the deets, we aint going no where).

First, write down the different areas of life (you can do this on a spreadsheet if you’re a geek like me, or you can just write it free hand in your journal, on a massive a3 piece of coloured paper, or on a word doc – whatever takes your fancy):

  • Work
  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Physical Health
  • Mental & Emotional Wellbeing
  • Education
  • Spirituality

Now answer the following questions for each area in as much detail as possible:

  • What were my biggest lessons in 2021? (see if you can write at least 10)
  • What am I ready to let go of and leave in 2021?
  • What things do I want to take forward into 2022?
  • What do I want in 2022? (don’t overwhelm yourself with 101 things – I recommend choosing 3 or 4 and then expanding on those individual points)
  • Who do I have to be in order to manifest these things?
  • What do I have to do in order to manifest these things?
  • What will I have at the end of 2022 and how will I feel? (Once you’ve finished this task, let yourself meditate on the vision of already having it and really feel those feelings as if it’s already done – and then let go!) 

The key is to look beyond the limitations of your mind and beliefs. Like, look at what you really, really want beyond what you just think is possible. Because that space right there, is where the magic lies.

And decide.

Just decide that it gets to happen and it gets to be easy. It's already done ;)

Happy reflecting January my loves.

I hope you enjoy the process of getting clarity and planning all of the amazing things you’re creating and manifesting this year.

If you feel called, I would love for you to share any insights, ah-ha moments, and intentions you have in The Goddess Collective FB Group – cause unless we’re declaring it out into the open, is it even happening? ;)

And feel free to share a photo of this on your socials if you wanna spread the magic.

All my love,

Val xx


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