For the women who know deep in their bones that they are here for more! 







Radical Self-Love, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Power & Spiritual Growth.

For the women who know deep in their bones that they are here for more!

Ready to unlock a deeper level of self-love?

Download my free Inner Mama Love Meditation to support you when you're facing challenging emotions and periods in your life so that you can cultivate inner peace, and tap into the unconditional love that's available to you.



The SELF-SOURCED PODCAST is a place for driven, empathic women who KNOW they are here for more and are ready to embrace the mess and magic of their lives by opening their minds and softening their hearts to a new way of being.

Join me and my incredible guests for heart-opening wisdom, fierce insights, and soul-fire truths on what it means to return home to YOUR innate pleasure, power, and purpose so you can come into alignment with the truth of your beautiful heart, and unlock your potential.

🎙️ Interested in being interviewed on the Self-Sourced Podcast? Click HERE to apply and we will get in touch.




The SELF-SOURCED PODCAST is a place for driven, empathic women who KNOW they are here for more and are ready to embrace the mess and magic of their lives by opening their minds and softening their hearts to a new way of being.

Join me and my incredible guests for heart-opening wisdom, fierce insights, and soul-fire truths on what it means to return home to YOUR innate pleasure, power, and purpose so you can come into alignment with the truth of your beautiful heart, and unlock your potential.

🎙️ Interested in being interviewed on the Self-Sourced Podcast? Click HERE to apply and we will get in touch.

Hey Beautiful!


A Self-Love, Empowerment & Spiritual Growth Coach for women.


For as long as I can remember, I’ve always believed deep in my bones that I was here for more...
I know that if you're here, you feel this in your heart too!


I'm a Reiki, Emotional Freedom Technique, and Emotional Clearing/Spiral Practitioner as well as a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach. I have also spent the past few years deeply studying the systems of Human Design, the Gene Keys, and Astrology, and love to weave my wisdom of these teachings into my work.

I use my experience, knowledge, and wisdom in the fields of personal power, emotional intelligence, consciousness, and relationships, to empower sensitive women with big hearts to love themselves, cultivate internal safety and freedom, and follow their hearts calling so that they can live fulfilling, heart-centered lives without compromising their values.

My work will help you heal and uncage your tender heart, embody your power, have healthier relationships with others, and unravel the authentic version of you that leads herself from a place of radical self-love and empowerment.


Read my story  ➝

"I am me and I love me! Val has changed that. She has changed my life."

Lorna Whattam

"I now feel like a fierce warrior Goddess who is going to make her mark on the world."

Sarah Brady
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Resources for every stage of your Self-love, Empowerment & Spiritual Growth journey.

Join my FREE Facebook Community

A place where you can be inspired and find free resources to heal your heart, evolve spiritually and emotionally, love yourself, and feel more empowered in your authenticity.

Join here ➝

1:1 Healing Sessions

Offered both online and in person, in these sessions we work intuitively with what your body and psyche are presenting, to release emotional, mental, or energetic blocks, so you can feel mentally clearer, anchored in your body and authority, and empowered to move forward with more confidence and conviction.

Book here ➝

1:1 Cord-Cutting Sessions

A gentle but potent session to support you in letting go of what you know, deep down, is holding you back. Whether that's a past relationship, a past version of you, or a habit that's no longer serving you, you will finish this session feeling energetically clearer so you can move forward with more safety and freedom.

Book here ➝

1:1 Human Design Readings

Join me for a magical session of self-discovery as we uncover your unique energetics and unlock your superpowers through the lens of your Human Design Blueprint, so you can unravel the conditioning that tells you who you should be, and start taking ownership of the authentically unique being you are at your core.

Book here ➝

1:1 Breakthrough Sessions

These sessions are a combo of practicality and magic and are for you if you're feeling stuck, unmotivated, and dissatisfied with your life. Whether you know where you want to go but keep holding yourself back, or you have little clarity on your next steps and lack a sense of direction, you will leave this session feeling clear, focused, and empowered with an action plan for moving toward your goals.

Book here ➝

The Femmepower Collective

This monthly self-love, empowerment, and spiritual growth membership is for women with big sensitive hearts, who are looking to be a part of an empowering sisterhood. This is the space where you'll learn invaluable resources to soften your heart, open your mind, and lead yourself from a place of internal security, safety, freedom, emotional maturity, and radical self-love.

Coming soon in 2024.

Join the waitlist  ➝

1:1 Gene Keys Embodiment Journey


This is a deep, rich, and soulful, transformational journey, designed to unlock your core emotional patterns so you can turn your greatest challenges into your greatest gifts. We will deep-dive into your unique Gene Keys blueprint which was imprinted in your DNA at the moment of your conception, and explore the 3 core pathways of activating your genius, opening your heart to more fulfilling relationships, and unlocking your prosperity.

Application only. Book a FREE Clarity Call below to find out more.

Book here ➝

2:1 Gene Keys Embodiment Journey


This is a couple's journey for those who are navigating rocky waters and desire to cultivate healthier patterns in their relationship. We will explore the core emotional patterns of your Gene Keys where your emotional triggers lie, and gently alchemise these shadows so you can reignite the flame of your relationship and get back into a dynamic where play, light-heartedness, love, and compassion are at the forefront.

Application only. Book a FREE Clarity Call below to find out more.

Book here ➝

